Tuesday, April 7, 2015


To the people that want better,

             There are emany people that are amongst you that wants what you have. They will go beyond measures to put you down, or better yet, they will continue to talk behind your back being the backstabbers that they are.

      I am a man that stays too himself a lot . A man that has no problem expressing his love to his woman and will share those feelings with the world. Yes, i know that i am not perfect and that is not what this is about. This article is about KNOWING YOURSELF and BEING AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. I am not here to impress the next man, however, because you are the person that you are, people wants what you have. They cannot understand how you have it so good. "How he/she got that car?', " How did they get together?'', "Why do he/she like him/her?'', "How they always dressing nice?', '' How come they always going on vacation?'', ''Why this ?" and "Why that?'.

      People will dwell on your every move and as they watch you, they start creating stories in their heads. There is a handful of people out there that is sincerely happy for your successes, your happiness,  and all the great things happening in your life. However, there are the majority of people that will be envious, they become jealous. They want that car you got, they want that boyfriend/girlfriend that you have,they want to live in that house that you got. And by any means, these people will throw you under the bus, just to see you stop growing as a person. They can't stand the fact that you are so happy. What they really don't understand is the fact that you are so STRONG. You always seem to overcome all obstacles that come your way and you do it like a champ and with a smile on your face. 

         I don't have the fancy foreign cars, or the mansion with a football field in the backyard, nor do i have the greatest career that pays me a great amount of money, but overall, i am one rich motherfu*ker. I am a person that knows himself. I can have ANYTHING once i put my mind to it. However, money just enhances my naturalness. I may not make sense to quite a few, but hopefully you get the picture. You see, i don't need money to be happy, or to MAKE me happy. I don't need the materialistic things to boost my ego up and to now make me feel like SOMETHING or SOMEBODY. I am SOMEBODY. I was born SOMEBODY. 

       People, its time that you start smelling the roses, get your mind right and stop living in shit. You been smelling that same shit for so long that you got so accustomed to it and you think it smells sweet. Don't be envious of something you can do on your own. You want something?, find your means and go get it. Tap into yourself, dig deeper for that JEM within you. You are the ruler of your destiny, and you don't have to put another person down to get where you want in life. Misery do love company, its true. I remember a time when a guy that BARELY knows me was having a discussion with myself and a female that i was dealing with. This guy was only welcomed into the conversation because i honestly wanted to hear another mans point of view. HE was not a friend, nor was he someone that i grew up with. Just a random dude that just seen me around the way, and DONT really know me. lmaoooooo 

     I laughed because like i said, i pay attention to everything. This guy was siding with EVERYTHING that was being said on the ladies behalf. Not a problem at all, we are all entitled to our opinions.  At one point, the conversation got a bit deep and i did not want to interrupt it. I stepped away BRIEFLY, and I mean BRIEFLY. lol . In that short space of time, this guy that BARELY knows me, managed to tell this lady how beautiful she was and that she can do better. You see, he is absolutely right. She is very beautiful and I'm  quite sure she can DO BETTER. We all can do better. It's the approach that he used tho. Why wait until i leave to say things of this nature? AT TIMES, ITS NOT WHAT YOU DO, ITS HOW YOU DO IT. 

         Like i said before, i tend to stay to myself and i have my reasons for that. It's not that i am anti-social, its just that i rather not deal with the bullshit and the fuckery that people get involved with. I know myself and at times i am a bit scared on how i may respond or react due to the actions of others.  So staying to myself and having that significant other by your side tend to be MY WORLD. When i am in that place, i see nothing else and nothing else matters. And because of that, people see that i am happy, and they see what i got, and they see EVERYTHING ELSE, but they DONT see the BETTER WITHIN THEMSELVES. Instead of looking at themselves in the mirror and saying to themselves ''YOU CAN DO BETTER!!", they will step out into the world and make YOU feel that by YOU doing better, it means,YOU CAN DO BETTER WITH THEM....lmaooooooo . I tell you kid, life is just amazing to me. The things i see and experience and pay attention to is amazing and real shit. Yet, i stay humble and i just carry on. START SMELLING THE ROSES people, you've been laying in your own shit for too long. 

                                                                                            Unconditional Realness,
                                                                                                Jemeil ROYAL Meil

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